Friday, April 24, 2009


I was lucky enough to get a virus this week. More specifically, I got Coxsackievirus this week. Otherwise known as Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease.

But I think that is a misnomer because there was nothing wrong with my hand, my foot, or my mouth. There was, however, something SERIOUSLY WRONG WITH MY THROAT.

So, it should be called Throat Disease. If you ask me.

I hadn't been feeling awesome starting on Sunday and I was going to bed at 8:30 every night from just being tired and....feeling yucky. Then on Wednesday I thought my throat had swollen shut and I could barely swallow. I went to the doctor to rule out strep and he informed me that I had Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease. I laughed.

I guess it is more common in kids, but adults can also get it. There is no treatment, it is just a contagious virus. It usually presents with cold and flu like symptoms, and then bumps on the throat that can turn into ulcers and be pretty painful. I think I read somewhere that those ulcers can also be on your hands and feet (thus the name), but thankfully I had a very mild version of the virus and my throat already feels much better. Anything is better than what it was like on Wednesday.

So I was glad that I took good care of myself and went to the doctor right away (not like the appendix incident). Sometimes I think my life is very strange. Like on days when I get Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease.

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