Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Baseball Season, Football Fever
I’ve been very excited about football season lately. I know, baseball has just started and it is months and months until football starts, but there are many reasons for me to be more excited about football than baseball right now.
1. The Twins have been kinda disappointing so far this season. They were projected by many to be the best team in the division (and they might still end up as the best), but they currently are third (out of four). I understand everything about how long the season is and it has barely started, and how our best player (Mauer) hasn’t played yet, but still. It just hasn’t been good. I feel like we’ve already missed a lot of opportunities, and thanks to last year’s tie-breaking game vs. the Sox, we all know how important every game can be. I’d rather not be in that position again.
2. The NFL draft was this weekend. I always like to see who we acquire and speculate on how they will fit into the team.
3. The NFL schedule came out last week. I already know that I will be going to the Vikings/Packers game both at the Dome and at Lambeau. The game in the Dome is a Monday night game. Should be good. I also might be going to the game in Cleveland (or possibly St. Louis). Details aren’t set for that yet, but it would be fun to see if one of those might work out.
4. I’m already hopeful for the Vikings season. Coming off a season where we won the division, I have high hopes that we can do it again – especially after seeing our schedule. I do think our division will be pretty competitive, though. None of the schedules are very tough, especially considering the Vikings, Packers, and Bears all get to play the Lions twice (basically two guaranteed wins there). We start out our schedule with the Browns, the Lions, and the 49ers, so we should be able to go into the Packers game 3-0. One game that could set up to be very interesting is the Bears game on Dec 28th (Monday night). It’s the second to last game of the season and we will have just played them four games earlier. Depending on how things shake out, we both could have very good records at that point and it’s possible we would be playing to clinch the division. At least that’s how things would go in my purple-and-gold-colored world. I guess I’ll have this blog to refer back to in seven months to see if I’m right….or more likely (especially now that I’ve documented my optimism) not right.
Even though I already have football fever, I am anxious to get to a Twins game sooner rather than later. Especially when Mauer gets back in the line up. And especially to have a DOME DOG.
Monday, April 27, 2009
It's Official
My weekend plans to head to the cabin were a bust, so I found myself with a lazy Sat AM: reading, coffee in bed, perusing the internet....which led me to Shane and Shane's website. I almost SCREAMED when I saw that they were playing in the cities on SUNDAY. I couldn't believe I hadn't heard about it.
Anyway. Called my sis and soon we had a group going to the concert.
I really, really, really love Shane and Shane. They are very talented and the lyrics to their songs are fantastic. They are also funny. And down to earth. Me likey.
I thought they sang for an entirely too-short amount of time, but I always think that. They sang some of my favorites (then again, most all of their songs are my favorites) except they did not sing my MOST favorite: Psalm 62. Maybe next time. I'll be more prepared to yell it out when they ask for requests. They did my sister's favorite song via audience request. Lucky duck.
An interesting thought hit me last night during worship. I'm so moved when I sing about the truth of the GOSPEL (we sang Mighty to Save: "He rose and conquered the grave, Jesus conquered the grave....He is Mighty to Save...Author of salvation..."; Before the Throne: "because the sinless Saviour died my sinful soul is counted soul is purchased by His life is hid with Christ on high") and I'm so convicted when I sing about my response to the Gospel (Yearn: "I want to yearn for You, I want to burn with passion over You, only You"; Psalm 13: "I wait on You, For I will trust in Your unfailing love, My heart rejoices in Your salvation"). The truth of the Gospel doesn't change and it is amazing to sing about those truths. BUT my feelings change. I don't always wait on the Lord. I don't always burn with passion. It is convicting to look at my actions next to what Jesus did for me. So that was good for me last night.
I think that is what I love about their music: it is encouraging, convicting, and a lot of it comes straight from Scripture. It points to the Gospel, and that leaves much reason to rejoice.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
My roommate had a friend over who made a comment about me (that I didn't hear) to which my roommate responded "Oh, I forgot to tell you. I live with Pollyanna."
"HUH? What is that supposed to mean?!", I said.
My roommate replied, "Oh, it's a compliment! I just meant that you are so optimistic and hopeful."
Whew. That's not so bad. I was thinking that I was really annoying my roommate and she wasn't telling me!
I'm thankful that I am still optimistic and hopeful about dating. True, I've never dated anyone, so I've never been really "hurt" - which definitely helps with the optimism, I suppose.
But it has been two weeks and he hasn't called. I don't care how optimistic I am - he isn't going to call.
Even Pollyanna knows that.
Friday, April 24, 2009
But I think that is a misnomer because there was nothing wrong with my hand, my foot, or my mouth. There was, however, something SERIOUSLY WRONG WITH MY THROAT.
So, it should be called Throat Disease. If you ask me.
I hadn't been feeling awesome starting on Sunday and I was going to bed at 8:30 every night from just being tired and....feeling yucky. Then on Wednesday I thought my throat had swollen shut and I could barely swallow. I went to the doctor to rule out strep and he informed me that I had Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease. I laughed.
I guess it is more common in kids, but adults can also get it. There is no treatment, it is just a contagious virus. It usually presents with cold and flu like symptoms, and then bumps on the throat that can turn into ulcers and be pretty painful. I think I read somewhere that those ulcers can also be on your hands and feet (thus the name), but thankfully I had a very mild version of the virus and my throat already feels much better. Anything is better than what it was like on Wednesday.
So I was glad that I took good care of myself and went to the doctor right away (not like the appendix incident). Sometimes I think my life is very strange. Like on days when I get Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Did You Know....
Sometimes I think, "They (whoever 'they' is) should create [fill in the blank]. Then life would be more convenient". Well, I have discovered that a few of these convenient "things" have indeed already been created. Maybe you've already been aware of them, but if not, here is some info.
- Have you ever been driving a car you aren't familiar with and you need to fill it with gas? You start craning your neck to see which side the gas tank is on, correct? Worst case scenario, you pull up to the pump, get out, and realize the tank is on the other side of the car. WELL, did you know that there is an arrow on the gas gauge in the car to indicate which side the tank is on?! All you have to do is look at the gauge and see which way the arrow is pointing! GENIUS! I had never noticed that before.
- Did you know that tin foil dispensers (and plastic wrap, et al.) have tabs on the end of the boxes that will keep the roll in the box as you pull out and tear off what you need? I have always thought that pulling out tin foil is so CLUMSY and then someone pointed out that little ingenious invention to me. Sweet.
- A friend of mine has a new favorite drink at Starbucks and I had a sip of it the last time we were together. I can't remember the exact name of it, but it was an apple-chai-tea-hot-drink-thing. It is delicious. I went ahead and figured out how to make it at home: heat up apple juice in a mug and then steep a packet of chai tea in the apple juice (I bought decaffeinated tea so I can have a glass at night). I think the Starbucks version might have something creamy in it, which you could easily add, but I have really enjoyed this yummy drink every night for the last week or so!
- And while we're on the topic of figuring out restaurant versions of stuff, I will tell you about my favorite cornbread muffins (from a great fast food place). All you do is get the Jiffy brand Cornbread Mix and the Jiffy brand Yellow Cake Mix. Combine both mixes and all their ingredients in a bowl, pour the batter into a 8X8 pan, and bake at 350 for about 30 minutes. YUM! Tastes just like the restaurant.
- Did you know that April is National Poetry Month? My sister has been posting a poem each day. We had a College Prep teacher in high school who was a writer and had a great love of poetry. We started each class with a poem of the day and I'm thankful that he made me slow down enough to appreciate and start to love poetry. You should check out her blog for some great poems.
- Also, that same sister has A BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Birthday, Eva Joy. LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!
Now you know something new, I hope. You're welcome. If you already knew all of these things, then you should post a comment of some other helpful little inventions, or something else that you know about. I like to learn about these kinds of things.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
First Trip Observations
- Gas is $.13 cheaper in the cities than near Brainerd. Good to know. I will need to keep an eye on this as the summer goes on.
- The colors on the drive are currently brown and grey. Soon (I hope) they will be GREEN and GREENER.
- There is still ice on the lake.
- I also saw a loon on the lake. I LOVE hearing their call. They must like COLD water.
- The gas tank on my new car is significantly smaller than the tank on the car I was driving last summer.
- There is a small (or possibly large) community of MICE living in the cabin. Oy vey. I need to remedy that over the next month. I didn't SEE any mice, but there was PLENTY OF EVIDENCE. Grr.
Overall the trip to the cabin was great! There is so much cleaning to be done, though....
Friday, April 17, 2009
Poker Face
Something about wearing my emotions on my sleeve. Or something like that.
Anyway, this week I had meetings for work where they put on mandatory evening events. One of the events was a Poker Tournament.
And I won.
Which is funny, considering my horrendous poker face. I couldn't control my squeal when I was dealt great cards. I would start to giggle if a perfect card was flipped up. I would literally SIT ON THE EDGE OF MY SEAT if I was nervous or scared. Not hard to read right though me.
Even more funny is the fact that I have NEVER played poker.
I was trying to learn, but I couldn't ask anyone for advice because everyone was playing, so I had to learn AFTER each hand. I would pick my cards up and ask the guys next to me what I should have done on the previous hand.
The second hand I was dealt was an Ace and a 9. I folded, because they weren't the same number and they weren't the same suit. After the hand, the guy next to me said "NEVER DO THAT AGAIN".
Needless to say, I learned quickly and did very well. Mostly it was dumb luck. I have no idea why or how people play with actual money, but it was fun to play "pretend" and I won a nice prize.
Last night I went to a friend's and played a game I'm MUCH more familiar with - Rook - and, just to keep me humble, my team got SMOKED.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Advice I Need....
I read some advice on contentment over at The Purple Cellar. You can find the original post here but I wanted to post the main points as well. These steps to contentment are from E. B. Pusey, a 19th century church leader.
- Allow thyself to complain of nothing, not even of the weather.
- Never picture thyself under any circumstances in which thou art not.
- Never compare thine own lot with that of another.
- Never allow thyself to dwell on the wish that this or that had been, or were, otherwise than it was, or is. God Almighty loves thee better and more wisely than thou dost thyself.
- Never dwell on the morrow. Remember that it is God's, not thine. The heaviest part of sorrow often is to look forward to it. "The Lord will provide."
2, 3, and 4 are particularly helpful for me. I should probably be reminded of this list quite often. So feel free to remind me.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Wonderful Weekend
- LOTS of laughs with my older sister and her friends on Friday night. LOTS.
- Beautiful weather - a nice drive home from Wisconsin on Saturday.
- Played with a friend's VERY cute (and huge) puppy. Also caught up with said friend. Caught up quickly, but still.
- Went on a walk. With a boy. And he is very nice. And very cute. And I was very nervous.
- Bought a new suit for work. Much needed.
- EASTER (the best part of the weekend). I LOVE MY CHURCH. And I love celebrating Christ risen from the dead.
- Tennis with my little sister.
- Watching the Masters. A playoff even. Good stuff.
- Chocolate Chip Pancakes for dinner. YUM.
- Amazing Race coming up.
So. What a nice weekend.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Follow Up
I remember reading Jenna's post about green bags months ago and thinking "oh, I should try those". Still haven't tried them, but it seems like they are worth a try.
Kristie gave many pieces of great advice in response to my post. Menu planning is one area that I can really improve in! I just feel like my schedule is so flexible (one of the definite advantages of being single!) so I never really know what meals I will actually have to plan for. But I really can do a better job and that should help me to grocery shop. And yes, eggs in packs of 6 are my favorite! I actually say "YES!" out loud in the grocery store when I find them!
Another thing I didn't mention that has been AWESOME for me this month is Let's Dish. Hannah's sister invited me to come to her Let's Dish party earlier this month and I thought I would give it a try. I made 4 meals which I then split in half (each original meal makes 6 servings) and froze. The meals are very tasty, they are portion-controlled (I usually get a dinner and a lunch of leftovers out of the 3 servings I cook) and it is less expensive than a fast food meal. And much healthier! I love that I just need to pull the meal out of the freezer in the morning and it is ready to cook when I come home from work. Hardly any mess and NO wasted food or ingredients! So, if you have the freezer space, I would recommend it (even for couples - you can do the split meals as well, but you just won't have leftovers).
So, thanks for the input!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Can't Eat Fast Enough
I cannot eat the food I buy before it goes bad. For instance, there is no way I will eat an entire loaf of bread before it grows mold, so I stopped buying it. I tried keeping it in the freezer, but I run out of room and I get sick of toasting it every time I want to eat it. So. No more bread. And eggs. I like to have eggs on hand in case I get the urge to make cookies. But I seriously don't eat a dozen eggs in....months! I think eggs do last for a long time, but sometimes I don't know how long, so I just toss them (someone just informed me of the "float rule" this week, so that should help). Also, MILK. ALL of the milk I buy goes bad. I would just buy a quart, and even THAT would go bad before I could drink it all, so now I just buy the single serving things from the gas station. Lame. Even those go bad sometimes.
And today I found this:

Okay, this onion had NOTHING GROWING OUT OF IT WHEN I BOUGHT IT! So over the course of however long (seriously can't remember when I bought it...) the onion grew....whatever that is. And now I'm not sure if the onion is actually "bad" or not, but I refuse to eat it. So. More wasted food. And I hate wasting food! (The other scary thing is that I haven't even noticed that something was growing on it until it got that large....gross)
I think part of the problem is that the home I grew up in doubled as a catering business, so we bought absolutely EVERYTHING in bulk. Because, you know, when my mom cooked and baked, she was cooking and baking for a couple hundred people (a couple times a day).
There probably is a great way to shop for food when you are single, but I just don't know it. So if you do, please enlighten me! And DON'T tell me to buy all those things that are packaged as single servings or whatever because that is a serious waste of money and all you are paying for is packaging.
Okay. End of rant.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Oh, it is ON
Please, I implore you, do NOT tempt me with cookies or baked goods of any kind for the next six weeks. I do a good enough job of that myself.
The bummer is that I have a stress fracture in my left foot. Well, not "officially", but playing basketball last night most definitely confirmed in my mind that there is a stress fracture going on. Jumping, running, and cutting = not able to bear weight on my foot. It hurt.
So swimming it is. Which is really fine with me. I LOVE swimming, and was reminded of that today. Not only is it a great workout, but I also get to sit in the hot tub after. And there is nothing that gets me even MORE excited about the cabin than diving into water.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Looking Forward
There is something I am EXTREMELY EXCITED about.
I (thankfully) worked a conference today, so I was done at noon. I had heard on the radio that the Lake Home and Cabin Show was going on this weekend in Minneapolis, so I took the extra time I had this afternoon and headed over there. It was fun to browse and dream and scheme. I seriously CAN'T WAIT to head up to the cabin!!!
There are definitely times when I get a little stressed about owning a home - especially one that I don't live in! But the anticipation of spending quality time up there with friends and family, and all by myself, makes the stress seem insignificant. I always pray that the cabin will be a blessing to everyone who takes the time to head up there, because it is a big blessing to me. And I'm so excited to share it!! BRING ON THE SPRING!