Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Start of Summer

This weekend is the start of me being busy for the next 20 weekends! Holy cow....that takes me right up to October! Of course, a few of those weekends I've purposely left a little the two weekends where some of my best friends are having babies!!!!

It's definitely time for summer......graduations, weddings, and CABIN WEEKENDS!! I also have some pageant stuff thrown in this summer - I haven't done any pageant stuff in quite awhile, mostly because Miss MN is always on my birthday weekend, but this year is my five year reunion (five years?!), so I'll be attending that, as well as my TEN year reunion for the Aquatennial...crazy!

I am just giddy about the next few months - I could tell you about how much I LOVE summer and wedding season (five this summer!), (oh, and don't forget my birthday...) but you've heard it all before. If I have a permanent smile on my face until October, you'll know why!

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