Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Core Value: Love

(“Let love be genuine…Love one another with brotherly affection”)

Every believer, no matter how imperfect, is a child of God. They are my brothers and sisters in Christ. My love for them should be genuine (more than just sentimentalism). God has become our father and we are family. That is the baseline relationship.

Love does not crave the praise of men, it is riveted on Christ. Love doesn’t put up artificial fronts. Love doesn’t dwell on the flaws of others and love doesn’t act religious to hide sin. Love forgets itself and looks to Christ. Love sees others as ourselves, with all of our longings, needs, and desires.

Brotherly affection suggests a deep bond. This kind of love is about more than just serving, or doing something for others, but is about actually feeling a certain way toward them (which can’t come from me, but comes from God).

I want to be more proactive in recognizing evidences of grace in other believers’ lives, and loving them as I do so.

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