Saturday, January 16, 2010

Core Value: Generosity

(“contribute to the needs of the saints ….outdo one another in showing honor”)

The key phrase with this value is “where you treasure is, there will your heart be also”. Generosity helps me overcome greed. How we handle our money and possessions is an indication of how we trust God and treasure Christ.

Ultimately, generosity is about giving things away for the sake of others. I want my generosity to go beyond only money. I want to be generous with my time and talents as well. That means babysitting for free, willingly serving at church, and being generous in my praise and service of others (outdo one another in showing honor).

Generosity should be disciplined and methodical, not just spontaneous or impulsive. Like hospitality, I want to be more thoughtful and intentional with my generosity, even beyond my tithing. The goal is to awaken more thanksgiving to God and lay up treasures in Heaven.

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