Thursday, January 21, 2010

Core Value: Joy

(“do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit. Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation”)

This is not a joy that is superficial and flimsy, but deep and firm (distinguishing it from happiness and pleasure). The joy I have comes from the hope I have in Jesus: that He carried our sin, and bore our curse, and endured God’s wrath, and became our righteousness, and conquered death and hell and Satan, and opened the door of paradise for all who trust Him. This is not a natural joy, but a spiritual one. I want my joy to go beyond merely the comforts that God gives to truly be joyful in God alone, regardless of external circumstances.

Being fervent is to be passionate – to be passionate about God above everything else. I need to fight against the advances of the culture and laziness and little dreams of playing on the weekends. God is infinitely worthy of our delight, much more so than the world. This passion is about more than just doing things, but to actually feel deeply about my faith.

Tribulation will be a constant in life, but joy in hope enables us to have patient endurance and display the character of God.

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