Sunday, November 16, 2008

Money Challenge: Halfway Point

Two weeks down, two to go. Some thoughts thus far:
  • I have spent more than I thought I would have at this point. Most of it is on food ($82 already this month!). But I know of many, many (many) times that I have spent less (or none at all) in situations where I wouldn't usually think it through. So if nothing else, this challenge is making me much more aware and causing me to at least pause.
  • Even though I've spent $82 on food, I think I can stay under $100 for the month (most of that money was grocery shopping which I won't need to do again until December). $25 a week for food is reasonable for me when you throw in eating out here and there (which I had to do on our weekend up north).
  • I wanted to stay away from buying things I don't need just because it seems like a really good deal, or because it creates some great coupon. For instance, there was a sale on Coke products at CVS where buying four 12 packs created a coupon for $4 (maybe $6). I could definitely use the coupon, and I do drink pop, but I think four 12 packs would last me until next summer! I don't have the room to keep something like that in my kitchen and I just don't need something like pop sitting around. There were other circumstances like this, but I think I've done a pretty good job of staying away from things I don't really need, just to save on something else.
  • I didn't want to TOTALLY restrict myself and have absolutely no fun this month just because I was trying to save money. The nature of many of my friendships puts me in positions where I spend money - eating out mostly. So far this month I've been on a trip up north, gotten a massage at the Quilt Retreat, went to dinner and a movie on Saturday, and still only spent $50 on entertainment and gas combined. Pretty reasonable, considering the fact that I've been on the go. I've also made some less expensive entertainment choices (like watching movies online instead of renting) this month, which has helped.
  • I've saved the most in toiletries. I've only spent $3 and I've forced myself to be creative with what I have when I've run out of hairspray, mousse, and face wash (although I did break out this weekend....time to go buy that face wash after all - so much for being frugal).

I think that's it for the halfway point. Two more weeks.....

1 comment:

Becca said...

good job Hannah! It's kind of fun, huh?