Monday, July 27, 2009

So True

My sister's post You Can't Follow Me on Twitter, but You CAN Just Follow Me is so true.

We have this little "talking out loud to ourselves" problem. That is, if you choose to think it's a problem. Which I don't, because otherwise I would probably stop talking out loud to myself.

My sister makes the following points about our version of Twittering:

It was kind of like Twitter (only live and more audible):
1) I was simply making a statement about whatever I was thinking at that very moment.
2) The declaration was aimed at no one in particular. It was presented to the world, generally speaking.
3) People could choose whether or not to respond.
4) Most chose not to respond.

So, if you are ever wondering what I am thinking, just hang around me for a moment or two. I can promise you whatever comes out of my mouth will not be "on topic", but it will be just as if you were following me on Twitter.


Mike and Karly said...

miss you and your great laugh!! :)

Hannah said...

OOOOOOHHHHH I miss you guys, too!!