Monday, July 20, 2009

Moody Reader

I’m a moody reader.

I was thinking about posting on this topic earlier this summer when I took a trip to see friends at their cabin for literally less than a day, and I took two books and three magazines. I knew we would be reading at some point that day since we all have a thing for reading, but seriously, did I need to bring five things to read for less than 24 hours? YES! Because I am a moody reader. I literally had no idea what I would be in the mood to read.

It’s like that every weekend when I go to the cabin. I take so much to read just in case a certain mood strikes me. I obviously love fiction, and usually I’m just reading one fiction book at a time, but I’m usually in the middle of about three or four non-fiction books at any given time (I have a hard time getting into non-fiction books. I honestly do want to read them, but I can't always weed through them. Maybe it has something to do with my self-diagnosed ADD....). And I have subscriptions to five (extremely topically varied) magazines. Moody reader.

Turns out my roommate is a moody reader, too. She even enlisted my help to weed down her vacation reading selection before she left last week. And I'm sure there are many, many other people with the same issue. So many good books, so many interests, so many moods, so little packing space. So that's probably why "they" (whoever "they" are) came up with this little genius piece of technology:

It's the Amazon Kindle. I'm admittedly late to the party on this one (as with most other things technology related). I heard about it when it came out almost two years ago, but didn't really pay attention because of the cost. However, a friend brought his Kindle to the cabin this weekend and I KINDA THOUGHT IT WAS THE BOMB! He had numerous books and periodicals all in the palm of his hand. It is easy to read, easy to navigate, and such a space saver! The one down-side I can see immediately is that you have to pay for the books you download, as opposed to getting a book for free at the library (I rarely buy books - I'm much more a library person). But my initial reaction to seeing and using the Kindle is OOOOHHHH I LIKEY. So, fellow moody readers, it's something to consider, I suppose.

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