Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Year's Intentions

I'm terrible at keeping resolutions, so this year I'm making a list of intentions. There are many areas of my life where I want to see growth, so even though I'm not great at keeping resolutions, I wanted to document some things to accomplish this year.

Since there are 52 weeks in the year, I decided to list 52 intentions. It doesn't work out that I will accomplish one thing a week since some of these are daily tasks and some of them are one-time events, but 52 was a good number to work with.

Some things on the list are simple, some are difficult. Some are things I do already, some are things I've never tried.

I will check up on my progress with this list halfway through the year (on my birthday) and at the end of the year.
  1. Read through the Bible
  2. Play piano once a week
  3. Stay caught up with my Bible study
  4. Remember to take my vitamins everyday
  5. Read 12 novels
  6. Read 12 non-fiction books
  7. Run a half-marathon
  8. Run an Olympic triathlon
  9. Beat my best time in sprint triathlon
  10. Get out of debt (other than house)
  11. Save three months of emergency money
  12. Drink 4-8 glasses of water a day
  13. Cook once a week
  14. Lose weight (10-15 lbs by May 17)
  15. Win a tennis match
  16. Take one picture everyday (possibly scrapbook them)
  17. Blog at least once a week
  18. Go on a road trip
  19. Host a party
  20. Drink less than two pops a week
  21. Develop core values sheet
  22. Finish memorizing Romans 5
  23. Refresh memorization of Ephesians 6
  24. Refresh memorization of 2 Timothy 2
  25. Memorize Romans 12
  26. Memorize Luke 2
  27. Learn to wakeboard
  28. Organize photos
  29. Clean out basement
  30. Save to pay for ticket to Lithuania in cash
  31. Ski at least five times
  32. Complete unfinished quilts (two)
  33. Organize Itunes
  34. Be more disciplined with bedtime
  35. Send cards to friends on birthdays
  36. Assemble and hang world map at cabin
  37. Make a new email account
  38. Read instruction book for new car
  39. Have a garage sale
  40. Lift weights consistently
  41. Go to a Twins game
  42. Go to a Vikings game
  43. Get a tan
  44. Tithe
  45. Clean out computer files
  46. Sit in a hot tub
  47. Learn to bike better (possibly through spin class?)
  48. Go on a date
  49. Figure out the email function on my phone
  50. Organize my blog reader
  51. Visit Grandma in Iowa
  52. Teach the dog to “come”

So, there you have it. We'll see how I do, I guess.


Eva Joy said...

17) I like this intention. Well, I like a lot of them. But I particularly like this one for the way that it benefits me as well as you.
18) Yes, please! (Indeed, I just invited myself. That's how I roll.)
26) I heard reading it repeatedly at bedtime really helps......
31) Yes, please! (Inviting myself again.)
37) ?
38) Step 1: Turn ignition key. Step 2: Shift into "Drive." Step 3: Try to resist road rage when your review mirror repeatedly tries to call "#08813."
39) Ooh! I have stuff to sell! LMK.
40) My life seems to consistently add weights to me as well. I've decided to try to relieve some of the stress by lifting weights. Maybe you could try that, too!
43) 26 days!!!!!!!!!
46) 12 days!!!!!!!!!
51) Ooh, I'd go, too. LMK.

Hannah said...

17) You should do this, too. For me.
18) Let's figure it out.
26) True
31) Thursdays
37) To work on my phone
38) Step 4: yell at mirror.
39) Start making a pile.
40) HA. Fixed.
43) Can't wait!
46) Can't wait!
51) Late Feb, early March

You are also invited for 30. FYI.

Eva Joy said...

I'm not paying for your Lithuania ticket if that's what you mean.

: )