Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Power of Napping

I seriously cannot remember the last time I took a nap.

Maybe that's why I forgot about the Power of Napping.

I used to take naps a lot in college. I had a roommate who was like the master of naps, so I learned quickly from her.

But I really don't do naps anymore. Ever. Not because I'm not tired during the day ever, but because I'm usually afraid that I won't be able to fall asleep at night (more so than I already can't) if I do take a nap.

And then there's the whole "it takes me more than an hour to fall asleep anyway, so laying down for an hour nap would be pointless" thing.

So as I felt my body going full speed toward total sickness today, I decided that I did indeed need a nap. My roommate has been home sick for two days, and I was afraid I was catching it.

My first hint of sickness was last night at basketball, but I couldn't decide if I was just over-reacting to being extremely out of shape and having a game that started at 10pm, or if I was actually sick. I felt really fine this morning, but from noon-three it was bad-news-downhill-fast.

I went to bed the moment I got home from work and I only had an hour until I needed to leave for my financial class. I said a very heartfelt prayer that not only would I be able to fall asleep in that amount of time, but that it would be healing for me to have that sleep.


I am SO thankful and pleased right now! I have felt really great the rest of the night, and I just KNOW that I was getting sick. Not to say that I won't end up getting sick (I really hope not...), but I just am reveling in the power of naps at the moment.

Naps are great.

As long as I can fall asleep tonight....


Megan said...

I whole-heartedly believe in naps. Sure, you could wait 'til nightfall... but what if you fall over before then? Listen to your body, and if it needs sleep, give it some rest.

Now, don't get sick!

Laura said...

I took a nap today for about 10 minutes. It was much needed. And now look at me, it's over an hour past the time I wanted to go to bed, and I'm still wide awake.