Sunday, June 13, 2010

Holy Cow

I had another weekend worthy of bullet points. If I don't slow down, I may age four years in the next three months! And speaking of aging, I actually change my digits this week! It promises to be an insanely busy week (I am so dreading looking at the week ahead after the busy weekend), but I have my birthday to look forward to!

This weekend consisted of: Thrice concert (HOT and fun), day at the cabin with family and Welps (no kneeboarding, but we kayaked until we wanted our arms to fall off), Welcome Team at church (always love it), helping with food at a grad party (so many great conversations jammed into one day), too many late nights (complete with runs to McDonald's for soft serve), and mornings that were obnoxiously early (BLECH I HATE GETTING UP). I may be in bed at 7 tonight.

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