Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Is Christmas Over?

It must not be.

Tonight I did laundry and I didn't lose a SINGLE sock! THAT, my friends, is a Christmas Miracle!

In all seriousness, Christmas is over, unfortunately. I spent time with my family up north and it was great. It was filled with all the essentials: people, food, and gifts. Let me tell you more about all of these things.

People: Great. Lots of them.

Food: Great. Lots of it.

Gifts: Great. Lots of them.

That about covers it.

So, it was great.

I hope I never forget how fortunate I am. I love that people, food, and gifts are part of my Christmas, but the real reason we celebrate is Jesus. And if there ever comes a day that I don't have copious amounts of great people, great food, and great gifts in my life, I want to be just as joyful and content solely in the fact that Jesus came to save me from my sins.

That's right. God sent his Son to save me from my sins.

Now that's a Christmas Miracle.

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