Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Money Making Machine

I am truly a money making machine this week - which I am enjoying!

First of all, I WON the Biggest Loser competition with my family. Big sis was CLOSE on my heels, but I pulled it out. Now I have $200 (or will have, as soon as everyone forks over their share) that I didn't have last week. Nice.

Secondly, the garage sale is over. Including what I sold online before hand, I made over $250. As Becca said, the hourly wage is very low, but I still think the cash was worth it for me to have a deadline of getting my home cleaned out and organized. And I had a really great time at the garage sale! I'm so glad I took a day of vacation to be there for the first day of the sale. It is SO much work to have a garage sale, and I am so grateful to Becca for hosting and the massive amounts of effort it takes to do so (especially with two small (adorable) girls running around and another on the way!). The weather was AMAZING the first day, even though we were a bit concerned about the wind in the early morning hours. A few of us even managed to get some sun (and sunburn!). I enjoyed chatting with friends, playing with little girls, making a little cash, and NOT GOING TO WORK.

So, this last week has seen a welcome influx of cash - to be spent on much needed home improvements up north!


Kristie Johnson said...

congrats Hannah! You look so good after the only adds to the incredible grace, beauty,strength, and dignity you ALREADY possess! Rock star :)

Megan said...

So I gotta ask: how'd you do it? Yeah, yeah, yeah... move more, eat less (or at least smarter). But how do you actually DO those things, as a busy, professional, already-gorgeous woman? Someone I know *cough cough* has about 20 pounds she needs the motivation to blow through...

Hannah said...

It really was a matter of me figuring out how I could find foods that I thought were tasty and filling - and eating in a way that better sustained my energy for a longer period of time. For instance, I've always had cereal for breakfast, but I've switched to oatmeal high in fiber, and have found that curbs my cravings for doughnuts (at least on most days). I always eat big lunches, but have tried to keep my dinners smaller and with many fewer carbs (though I still eat lots of carbs at lunch). It helped that I was training for a half-marathon, too. I also curbed much of my late-night chocolate snacking by drinking tea or hot apple juice - and sometimes hot chocolate. I don't know what other practical things....just a LOT less McDonalds....which was HARD for me. :)