Sunday, April 25, 2010

Julie and Julia

I love seeing movies, but it seems like I haven't been to a movie in a long time. I used to be better about going to movies with a friend from work, but I think I've just been a bit busy lately and it hasn't happened. So, needless to say, I was SUPER excited to have movies to watch on the way to Lithuania (yes, this is a very old and overdue post....) and back (of the 25 movies offered, I had only seen one, so there were plenty to choose from). We also watched a few movies at the Hanson's while we dealt with our jet lag. Here is a list of what we watched (in order of my favorite to least favorite - though I actually enjoyed them all): Marley and Me, Up, Time Traveler's Wife, Lars and the Real Girl, The Proposal, and Public Enemies.

We did watch one other movie, and it was my favorite, so I'm going to write a little more about it.......

Julie and Julia!

I was trying to think of the last time that I wanted to (and did) buy a movie after I saw it...I think it was Hitch....or whatever it was, it's been a long time since I've LOVED a movie and wanted to buy it. But I LOVED THIS MOVIE! I laughed so many times (I really wish that I hadn't been on a plane, because there were times I was really containing my laughter).

I really loved the characters and how cooking was such a way for them to escape, to express themselves, to bond, to be creative, to be focused, to energize them.....

Here were some of the lines from the movie that I related to or liked the most (if you haven't seen the movie, these might not make sense, but if you have, they will probably make you smile):

On the comforts of cooking:

"Do you know what I love about cooking? I love that after a day when nothing is sure, and when I say nothing I mean nothing, you can come home and absolutely know that if you add egg yolks to chocolate and sugar and milk it will get thick. It is such a comfort."

Maybe this is my issue.....:

Julie's Husband: "You have ADD?"

Julie: "Yes. That's why I'm so bad at housework."

Two sisters talking about getting married. And being tall...:

Sister 1: "You know Daddy would have liked nothing more than for us to stay in Pasadena and marry Republicans."

Sister 2: "Why didn't we?"

Sister 1: "Too tall. Let's face it, it's true. From the beginning you just don't fit in. Literally. And then you don't."

Sister 2 trying to set up Sister 1 with a man:

Sister 1: "What's he like?"

Sister 2: "Tall. Extremely tall."

Sister 1: "Well, I'm extremely tall."

Sister 2: "He's taller."

I love this over-the-top reaction, and the reaction to the over-the-top reaction:

Julie [on the effect cooking from Julia Child's cookbook had on her]: "I was drowning and she pulled me out of the ocean."

Julie's Husband: "Don't get carried away..."

If you know my history with butter, you'll understand why I love this quote:

[describing hollandaise sauce]: "...which is melted butter which has been whipped into a frenzy with egg yolks until it's died and gone to heaven. And let me say this: Is there anything better than butter? Think it over: Anytime you ever taste anything that's delicious beyond imagining and you say 'What is in this?' the answer is always going to be butter. The day there's a meteorite heading toward the earth and we have 30 days to live, I'm going to spend it eating butter. Here's my final word on the subject: you can never have too much butter."


Megan said...

You SO have to read the book! The writing is so clever. I haven't even seen the movie, 'cause I'm afraid it will ruin the book experience for me. After your review, I might consider it...

Becca said...

I *heart* butter. My girls eat it straight, and I usually don't chastise them. Butter is good for you; butter is delicious. I have to see this movie!