Monday, March 22, 2010

Encouraging Words

I'm not surprised that I didn't post at all last was a trying week. I was (am) dealing with a few situations that feel too big for me, and on top of that I felt very spiritually dry and not well equipped to deal with these situations. Sometimes I think "oh, HB, get over it - people are dealing with much bigger issues than you are", but at the same time, these things felt/feel a little daunting to that's what it feels like......and now I'm rambling and making no sense.

Anyway. I was thankful for a weekend where I encountered many encouraging words. I was able to spend time with fun friends, in the Word, hearing the Word, and "talking it out" with friends/APs. I feel "better" about a few things. I went to those people and those places because I knew that I would encounter encouraging words to help my perspective and point me in the right direction.

Tonight I ran across encouraging words in a place I didn't expect. It all started last night when my AP and I were talking about how summer makes you want to listen to country music, and then we talked about a few of our top country songs that we like or that put us in "summery" moods, etc. She mentioned a song that isn't really my top choice, but I see why she likes it. So tonight when I hopped in my car, since it was 9pm and still 50 degrees out, I thought I should start pumping some summery music. The song on the country station just happened to be the very song that my AP mentioned. Normally I would have turned the dial (since it's not my fave) but because she had just talked about it, I kept it on. The next song that came on was Temporary Home by Carrie Underwood. I have only heard the song one other time, but I really like it. It made me cry tonight. It was an encouraging reminder that there is pain and suffering in this world because we weren't made for this world and this really is just a temporary home. No matter how big an issue or problem or sickness or spiritual darkness seems, it isn't bigger than God, and it won't last forever, because this is a temporary home.

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